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What happens when you compare everybody else to Jesus

What happens when you compare everybody else to Jesus


Series: Gospel of John

Category: Real relationship with the Lord

Passage: John 10:8-30

Speaker: jeff blaine

We do a lot of comparing as people
We compare ourselves to others
We compare others to ourselves
We compare others to others
We compare salaries, farms, houses, cars, clothes, kids, schools, grades, past sins, past deeds, present sins, & present deeds…
you name it & bet you’ve compared it.
Any idea what happens when we compare ourselves to others?
One of 2 things for sure happens
1- we exalt ourselves …last I checked the only one that deserves exalting is Jesus
2 -we exalt others…same premise holds here too…Jesus is the only one that deserves exalting.
So how can we break this habit of comparison?
What will it take to quit exalting ourselves or exalting others?
What is the problem if we continually compare to exalt ourselves or exalt others?
if you choose to consistently exalt others or yourself by making comparisons…you then are consistently not exalting Jesus.
What is the root cause of us making comparisons?
We compare because we fear we don’t have enough OR we fear someone else may have more
Here is the inherent problem: when we fear we don’t have enough OR we fear someone else may have more
…we really believe Jesus isn’t enough.
What do you think we’ll find out if we compare everyone, including ourselves, to Jesus?