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3 Ways Jesus responds when people condemn you of your sin

3 Ways Jesus responds when people condemn you of your sin


Series: The Gospel of John

Passage: John 8:1-11

Speaker: jeff blaine

Has a Christian…it’s happened to you.
Either by your own doing or just as painful by people that you thought are supposed to love you.
Condemnation, accusation, rejection, austere judgement
It seems there is no shortage of those that are more than willing to repeatedly accuse you of your sin past, present, & future
Part of the problem is…they’re right.
We all sin…
Some of our sins are move obvious than others just the same we all sin.
Therein lies the problem…someone always knows when you are sinning or have sinned
Who are the persons that know you are sinning or have sinned?
Yourself…you know you are in sin, you’re convicted
Others…your sin is more public than you know
Satan…it could be he tempted you, helps you enjoy your sin, & using shame keeps you in perpetual sin.
Today we are going to meet a woman…that is likely experiencing all three of these people in her life.
There is one person I’ve only ever seen that could stand up against myself, others, & satan.
Today we get to see that one person respond to these three people: His name? Jesus.