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How to be faithful to Jesus in a crowd that isn't

How to be faithful to Jesus in a crowd that isn't


Series: Gospel of John

Passage: John 6:22-71

Speaker: jeff blaine

Jesus went from 5000 plus followers to 12
This is a good reality check again for us…if I were in the crowd that day would I have been one of the 4988 men that left Jesus or one of the 12 that stayed with Jesus?
Would I have followed the crowd in leaving Jesus, so I didn’t look like a fool in staying with Jesus?
In other words, would I have risked an unpopular decision according to the crowd & stayed with Jesus?
Unless you’re willing to admit that you are fully capable of leaving Jesus when staying with Jesus isn’t popular…it’s likely you don’t have a plan to be faithful to Jesus.
What is your plan to be faithful to Jesus?