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How God wants to be glorified in the church you attend

How God wants to be glorified in the church you attend


Series: Romans

Category: Everyday Living as a Christian

Passage: Romans 15:1-6

Speaker: jeff blaine

Here are 4 words not very popular in the English language
Responsibility, obedience, consequence, duty
Typically, we think of these four words when it comes to raising children, or someone in the military but what if these words apply to those who attend a church?
Years ago, there was a man that attended this church named Virgil Stoner. To my understanding Virgil took responsibility in firing up the coal stove or furnace that used to be right below us now. Almost like in obedience to a calling every Sunday he showed up to church early fired up the coal stove or furnace. I never knew Virgil but I suspect he assigned his task a sacred sense of duty. Some Might say wasn't it just lighting a coal stove? What's the big deal? Some might say that but what are the consequences when someone doesn't show responsibility, obedience, and duty in the church of Jesus Christ?
What are the consequences when people in the Church of Jesus Christ don't take on the responsibility of serving Jesus Christ?
What are the consequences when people in the Church of Jesus Christ are not obedient to the calling of Jesus Christ?
What are the consequences when people in the Church of Jesus Christ don't assign themselves the sacred duty of serving Jesus Christ?
In a very practical and physical way the building falls; there would be no one to paint, caulk, patch, fix, change light bulbs, take out the trash, prepare communion, pay the bills, keep the propane tank filled, do upkeep, a multitude of things too numerous to mention.
BUT is the church of Jesus Christ simply a physical structure?
Is the Church of Jesus Christ just simply brick, mortar, wood, shingles, & a walled building where people happen to congregate on Sunday?
I suppose to some that would be an obvious answer, but it is not a biblical answer.
What is the responsibility, obedience, and duty of a person in the Church of Jesus Christ?
Read Romans 15:6