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Sermon 12 Genesis 8

Sermon 12 Genesis 8


Series: Genesis Sermon Series

Passage: Genesis 8:1-22

Speaker: jeff blaine

Knowing how your memory is…How is God’s memory?
It may surprise you what God has in His memory & what God chooses not to remember… there is a difference.
“For I will be merciful to their iniquities,
And I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews 8:12
Several places in scripture God says He chooses not to remember your sins when you choose to be obedient to His word.
Consider this: did Noah sin against God before he went into the ark? Yes, no one is sinless
While Noah was in the ark did God continually point out Noah sin from his past?
No, when you are forgiven saved from the floodwaters of your sin God does not continue to remind you of your past sin
in fact, God does not remind you of your past sin because when you are obedient to His word God chooses not to remember your past sin.
This applies to any person, that is in Christ, the ark of the NT…God chooses not to remember their sin.
If you are in Christ & have been immersed into Jesus…God says I choose not to remember your past sin.
Then God says something unique in Genesis 8:1
What is God remembering?
We know God is not remembering Noah's past sin.
We have already established that God is in covenant with Noah; the reason God is in covenant with Noah is because Noah chose to obey all of God's word.
God desires to be in covenant with those people who choose to obey His word.
Once again, we find ourselves in a position of remembering what it is like to be in covenant with God.
It starts with that word remember; God will always choose to remember His covenant with you even if you forget about your covenant with Him.
Here are 3 truths about being in covenant with God that is vital for us to remember
because we have a problem with our memory it would be good to have a reminder about being in covenant with God