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Sermon 32 What to do when your government is no longer in submission to God Romans 13:1-7

Sermon 32 What to do when your government is no longer in submission to God Romans 13:1-7


Series: Romans

Category: Government & the Christian

Passage: Romans 13:1-7

Speaker: jeff blaine

when is a government no longer in submission to God
I have been avoiding this sermon for some time because I have been looking for the answers myself.
However, I cannot get away from Romans 13.
I must contend with what bothers me most: submission to authority
Submission is a hallmark to the Christian life; a Christian can only be a Christian when a person is in submission to Jesus Christ.
The struggle has been: how do I apply my submissive life to Jesus to those in authority over me?
Since I live in submission to Jesus; What does that look like in everyday life, to those in authority over me?