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Sermon 41 Genesis 27 How Trusting God will Glorify Him (& decrease family troubles)

Sermon 41 Genesis 27 How Trusting God will Glorify Him (& decrease family troubles)


Series: Genesis Sermon Series

Category: Everyday Living as a Christian

Passage: Genesis 27:1-45

Speaker: jeff blaine

What is a person to do when family has so many challenges, conflicts and just is difficult.?

I believe each of us who are God followers are to be concerned primarily with one thing: the glory of God.
“…whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
What would happen if every individual of the family, including yourself, would make it a daily, moment by moment goal to give glory to God?

I believe we already know that answer; not every member of the family even yourself is faithful to give glory to God.

But how would it influence you to strive for the goal to give glory to God if you found out what happens to families when they don't make the glory of God their goal.?

How would it influence you to strive for the goal of giving glory to God if you saw a list of ways that you as an individual, are not giving glory to God?